Get the “Youth Can Do It” mantra shared across social feeds - the homeland of today’s youth.
Young people don’t realise they all possess unique skills useful in the workplace.
A free-to-play, multi-platform, decision-based game which measures skills and attributes throughout, pointing the player in the right direction for their future.

The game would then use key decisions throughout to measure skills such as Teamwork, Leadership and Initiative.

Upon completion of the game, the player would be given a break-down of their skills and attributes, and career advice tailored specifically to them. The game would also direct the player to a Prince’s Trust programme that is suited to their career prospects.

The game would be released within the gaming community via Twitch streamers and IGN features.

Players could then sign up to a tailored email newsletter which would keep them updated about Prince’s Trust courses and relevant job opportunities local to them.
Made by Jack Morgan + Meghan Shuttlewood